Whatever your goal, you can do it with MyDrinkaware. Getting started on cutting back is one of those things that’s easy to put off but why not start today? Set manageable, realistic goals to help make those positive changes stick Understand the link between alcohol and sleep quality Set goals to help you moderate your drinking over time Highlight when you might be at risk of binge drinking Check how many units or calories are in each drink See how your drinking compares to previous weeks With the Drinkaware unit calculator app you can:
From the UK's leading alcohol education charity, Drinkaware's free alcohol tracker app is the first step in changing your drinking habits and leading a healthier life. Retrieve them on another device.Change your drinking habits with MyDrinkaware, your in-pocket support system. See how many units you've consumed today glancing at your Apple Watch. Easy to add the same units from your Apple Watch. Now with Apple Watch support & iCloud Support to save your precious information. This App is just for calculating and collating the number of units consumed. Legal Disclaimer: Do not use this App as a guide to whether you can drive a car or not. So, you're probably pushing the upper limit, if not already over it. So what difference does that make? Well a 5% beer has 2.84 units in it. Note, that the last sentence used the word 'weak', not one pint of beer but one pint of weak beer. In the UK to remain within the drink drive limit you can have no more than 1 pint of weak (3.6%) beer - any more and you risk being over the drink drive limit. Drink Driving Limits: A 3.6% abv pint of beer has 2 units in it. You can enter ANY amounts using US fl Ozs, millilitres, centilitres, litres, UK pints. The values are entered using a decimal number pad so you are not restricted by the values specified on picker wheels. This App is not restricted in the amounts that can be entered unlike other similar Apps. Maybe this App will confirm that apart from the odd day or two you are generally within guidelines. If you choose to cut down then that is your choice. Unlike other Apps this one makes no judgement on how much you drink it is a means for you to understand the amounts and to act as you see fit. This App can tell you and it can be very enlightening. Many people wildly underestimate the amount they drink. Until you ask yourself the question how many units am I consuming day by day, week by week and through the months you will have no idea. Ever wondered how many units there are in a drink? This App can can be used to just calculate the number of units in a drink but it can also be used to keep track of units consumed. Recent changes have introduced the ability to mark a day as Alcohol Free, change the number of days used to calculate the rolling averages shown and, with this update, the ability to change the percentage alcohol and drink amount using the watch App rather than having to use the phone to make these changes. It does not judge you about the amount you are drinking it is trying to help you recognise how much you are drinking and manage that however you want. Thank you!Ī glass of wine or a pint of beer) just the units. However, the existing table provides a great way to track and view at a glance the conusmption for each day and to view a graph of monthly consumption.Highly recommended and well worth the purchase price. Other applications I have tried require you to breakout a calculator to figure out how many ounces were in that pint you were just served or that 750ml bottle of wine.The only suggestion I might have for future enhancements would be to allow a summary of units consumed by week and/or by month. in other words whatever measure the beverage you are trying to calculate is served in, you just enter that and the application handles the conversions. ACU allows you to enter millilitres, centilitres, litres, pints or fuild ounces. Some applications require you to enter everything in fluid ounces or milliliters, etc.

The ability to enter drinks in a variety of volume types is especially helpful. It has a very clean, user friendly user interface and does exactly what it is supposed to without lots of complicated steps. Alcohol Units Calculator is a great little application.